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Snake Tattoos

The meaning of a snake tattoo

The image of a snake can be found in the mythical legends of different countries. Often, masters draw ideas for sketches of reptiles, referring to ancient interpretations, where tattoos are credited with referring to mythical legends.

Many people choose a subspecies of a snake for a tattoo - a viper. It is believed that she is endowed with wisdom and mystery, can find a way out of any situation, and her poison is used for potions and medical purposes.

Today, depending on the country or ethnicity, snake tattoos are treated differently. So, the inhabitants of Asia endow such a drawing with a positive meaning, which speaks of the cyclical nature of life, the desire of a person to awaken inner strength. For Europeans, it has a completely different meaning, associated with temptation, anger, deceit. Although some consider her image as a symbol of change, an opportunity to "change skin" and start life anew. The African snake is depicted with horns and thorns. It has a positive meaning and is associated with water.

In any case, a skillfully and vividly executed snake tattoo on the body can hypnotize and subtly force its owner to obey his will.

Colors of the snake tattoo

A snake tattoo changes meaning depending on the location and surrounding elements. The color of the sketch is also meaningful.


The snake depicted on the body in black has a negative meaning, reflects negative human qualities, scares, symbolizing evil, cruelty, meanness.


  • White reflects femininity, wisdom, sexuality, resourcefulness inherent in the fairer sex.
  • The blue snake represents wisdom, prudence, calmness.
  • The green snake personifies harmony with nature, the desire for naturalness, naturalness.
  • Orange and yellow colors symbolize cunning, the ability to dodge, the presence of secret, hidden from others, plans.

When different colors are present in a snake tattoo, it displays many emotions, passions. The brighter the colors, the more positive the sketch is.

Popular snake tattoos

There are many options for drawing a picture. Often the tattoo is stuffed in combination with other elements, which radically changes the generally accepted meanings of the image. Considerthe most popular sketches.

Snake with flowers

Popular among girls who opt for a snake tattoo. On the female body, the reptile is an allegory of temptation, beauty, passion. If a man is stuffing a snake surrounded by flowers, this indicates the soft traits of his character. A reptile among flowers will rarely look angry and cruel, as a rule, fragile, delicate flowers soften the general impression of a predatory reptile.

Snake with a rose

Rose is a symbol of passion, and next to the snake speaks of temptation, passionate feelings, temptation. More precisely, the meaning is interpreted depending on the color of the rose. White speaks of innocence, red - emphasizes the passion of character. A person who chooses such a tattoo may try to overcome some temptation. In other cases, on the contrary, reflect and emphasize the ardor of nature.

Snake with a dagger

The dagger displays readiness for battle, defending one's opinion. A tandem with a snake commemorates resistance to any troubles in life, perseverance, perseverance, wisdom.

For guys

Choosing a tattoo for the stronger sex has always had a special meaning. Guys are important about the symbolism that the drawing carries. With the help of the image on the body, they emphasize character traits, their best qualities or those that they admire and would like to acquire. Choosing a sketch of a reptile, men will look for one that reflects wisdom, balance, power, invincibility of ideas, lack of fear of any life changes.

Most popular snake tattoo designs for guys:

  • in combination with a dagger or sword;
  • eagle with a snake;
  • reptile and skull;
  • image of a cobra.

Men often choose the arm, neck, back, shoulder and lower leg as a place on the body for a snake tattoo.

For girls

Girls, choosing a tattoo with a snake, often stop at a small image, wanting to decorate the body with an interesting picture. However, girls who deliberately approach the symbols depicted on the body, stuff reptile tattoos, want to emphasize femininity and sexuality. Cunning, resourcefulness, plasticity are inherent in girls with a snake on their bodies. She is often remembered as the temptress who pushed Eve towards the forbidden fruit. Therefore, for many, such an image on a woman's body speaks of a femaletemptation, sinfulness.

In most cases, the meaning of a particular tattoo depends on what kind of drawing is chosen. Therefore, the choice of a tattoo should be approached sensibly and carefully, carefully choosing the image in order to correctly convey the meaning of the image.


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