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Collarbone Tattoos

Collarbone tattoos are chosen mainly by people who are used to being in the center of attention and love making statements. Tattoos near collar bone are very typical of extroverts who are comfortable with interacting with the world and are not afraid of condemnation. Also, collar tattoos can serve as a stunning body decoration. This is a really attractive and unusual tattoo placement that can be covered with either 3D or minimalistic tattoos.

Meanings of Collarbone Tattoos

Psychologists explain getting a collarbone tattoo as the desire to stand out from the crowd. After all, this part of the body often remains open, especially in summer. Choosing the collarbone as a place for a new tattoo is a deliberate step towards getting public admiration.

For Men

Men choose a clavicle tattoo in order to express their emotions and personality. It’s worth noting that the skin in this area is delicate, which makes such procedures quite painful. Therefore, good collar bone tattoo for guys require patience and sacrifice, but if the work is done by a qualified tattoo artist, there shouldn’t be too much pain.

Unlike women, choose collarbone as a tattoo placement less often and prefer to go for meaningful inspirational collar bone tattoos, names or dates. Totem animals, magic symbols, and patterns are also quite common. To demonstrate their personality, most people design tattoo sketches themselves. However, your tattoo artist might suggest some alterations to the sketch that will express the message more clearly in their opinion. The creation and approval of a your collarbone tattoo idea is an important stage in getting a tattoo, since the picture placed on the collarbone will be visible almost all the time.

For Women

Having carefully studied multiple photos of classy women's collar bone tattoos, we can say that the collarbone area is one of the most popular tattoo placements for ladies. We have also noticed that girls tend to prefer small collar bone tattoos. Here are the most common motifs of attractive female unique collar bone tattoos:

  • birds
  • insects
  • flowers and plants
  • beautiful intricate patterns
  • animals.

Collarbone tattoos look incredibly attractive and seductive on girls. Keep in mind that in warmer seasons it’s very difficult to hide them under clothes. Which is why it’s very important to think twice before getting a collarbone tattoo in case you have to comply with a strict dress code or other restrictions at work.

Popular Collarbone Tattoo Ideas


Regardless of the type of flower depicted on your body, a flower collarbone tattoo has a basic meaning — love, beauty, tenderness, and vitality. However, if you add certain elements to the design, the meaning of a floral collarbone tattoo can change. There are plenty of options for flowers paired with different elements symbolizing sadness, longing, loss, or grief. When choosing a sketch, study the symbolism of the images thoroughly to choose the one that sets the right mood and conveys the right message.

Almost any flower can be inked on the collarbones, but most tattoo salon clients request the following tattoos.


The rose is a symbol of love, hope, beauty, and passion. The rose with thorns means pain, loss, and betrayal on the part of a loved one. The color of a bud plays an important role, too. A rose collarbone tattoo is a symbol of passion, ardent love, and strong feelings. White is associated with innocence, tenderness, and vulnerability. The yellow rose is a symbol of friendship and new beginnings.


The peony is a symbol of the male nature, therefore the picture of this particular flower is quite common among men. The flower symbolizes love, success, prosperity, and honor. A peony tattoo in black and white will look beautiful and unusual.


Birds are associated with the element of air. A flock of birds always looks remarkable on the collarbones.  A bird collarbone tattoo represents vitality, desire for victories, as well as the design to achieve new goals.

Girls prefer the following birds tattooed on their collarbones:

  • swallows
  • hummingbirds
  • tits
  • pigeons.

Men tend to choose more unusual species:

  • phoenixes
  • ravens
  • owls
  • peacocks.

A bird collarbone tattoo is perfect for people who never settle for less and always strive for greater heights, and having reached them, start dreaming of new ones.


The snake is a dangerous, graceful, and wise creature. There are many legends, myths, and beliefs about it in different cultures. Nevertheless, the attitude towards reptiles has always been ambiguous. They are loved, respected, yet feared and despised at the same time.

The classic version of a snake collarbone tattoo is a design that starts on the chest and gradually reaches the shoulders. A collarbone snake tattoo symbolizes:

  • wisdom
  • knowledge
  • wealth
  • healing and renewal
  • overcoming temptations.


A cherry blossom collarbone tattoo is popular among the fans of oriental culture. For the Japanese, sakura is a symbol of innocence and youth. This tree is in full bloom for only a few hours. Therefore, in Japan, sakura symbolizes the transience of life, the decay of the body, and the fragility of life.


This flower is a frequent pick for a collarbone tattoo by both women and men. It symbolizes harmony, purity of thoughts, and rebirth.


The tattoo industry is really fond of Chinese and Japanese dragons. These mythical creatures have a certain majesty, divine power, and perspicacity. People have always believed that dragons help people in difficult situations and protect them from enemies.

For a collarbone tattoo sketch, it’s worth trying one the the following scenes featuring a dragon:

  • A lizard with its wings spread wide and soaring peacefully above the ground stands for calmness and peace of mind.
  • A flying dragon symbolizes a person's positive attitude and desire to move forward.
  • A dragon heading downward speaks of hidden aggression.

Collarbone tattoos look beautiful and original on anyone. Such tattoos can just be a great decoration or convey a specific message to onlookers. If you want to stand out from the crowd and get the most original tattoo, don’t hesitate to make a sketch yourself and ask your tattoo artist to bring your bold collarbone tattoo ideas to life.


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