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Home Tattoo Sketches Small Tattoo Sketches

Small Tattoo Sketches

Suitable Small Tattoo Styles

Small pictures for tattoos are represented by a wide variety of theme options. They look harmonious on any part of the body and can carry a huge semantic message. The huge popularity of miniature underwear designs is due to their aesthetic appearance after years, the ease of masking, the absence of pronounced discomfort in the process of creating a tattoo. An additional bonus is the low cost of the master's work.

For miniature tattoos, tattoo parlor specialists recommend 8 basic styles of execution:


The peculiarity of the drawings is their size no more than a couple of centimeters, the presence of a single element that is drawn with a line of the same thickness without changing its shade.



A tattoo is done in the form of a certain sign, a symbol that has a universal interpretation and is made out in black and white. Symbolism can be seen as a subset of minimalism.



Small pretty tattoos in this style attract attention with their similarity to old-fashioned book illustrations.


The peculiarity of the drawing is the use of lines of different thickness and saturation, the presence of shadows, hatching elements.



The main elements of the tattoo are geometric shapes, so this style is applicable only to flat surfaces of the body, on which the muscle relief distorting lines is not expressed.



The style used when drawing mandalas, oriental patterns helps to create tattoo amulets filled with deep meaning using simple lines and shapes.



An image in this style is drawn only along the contour, shadows, feathering, filling the space with color are excluded.


Popular Miniature Tattoos

When planning to fill a mini tattoo, sketches can be chosen from both ready-made options and by offering your own drawing, indicating its style. Among the solutions available, there are universal images that are equally popular among women and men. The most relevant drawings include:


Represents happy love if there are no thorns on the stem of the plant, and disappointment in relationships if the plant is covered

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