Home Hairstyles Easy Beach Waves

Easy Beach Waves

There are no restrictions on beach curls - variation in wave width, free flowing or collected look is allowed. Not only elegant curls are in fashion, but also broken curls. Well-defined bends of the strands are preferable for brunettes: they favorably set off the natural tone of the hair, emphasize its depth.

Hairstyles with beach curls for different hair lengths

On a square

For those with short hair, beach curls are one of the best ways to radically transform their hairstyle. Hair is curled with tongs or curling iron, focusing on the required size of curls. Usually the curls are left loosely flowing, creating an emphatically romantic look.

Medium Length

Creating surf curls in medium hair requires a more careful approach. The complexity is due to the greater severity of the strands, which strive to return to their original state. Therefore, the styling is fixed with styling products.

Professionally curled surf curls are effective both loose and semi-gathered. They become the basis for everyday and festive looks.


Long beach curls look especially gorgeous. When making luxurious waves, it is imperative to use professional styling compounds that securely fix the styling, protect the strands from drying out, delamination.

Surf curls on long hair will look more original with these techniques:

  • the curls are partially tied up using the malvinka technique;
  • on the basis of wavy strands make elegant loose buns;
  • curls form a voluminous low, medium or high tail, framing its base with a curled strand;
  • make the ends of the strands appear straight, creating a slight casual effect.

Beach curls with bangs

Numerous photos of beach curls show that trendy hairstyles can be combined with any type of bangs. It can be long or short, straight and asymmetrical, with a straight and oblique cut.

Combining beach curls with bangs, they pay attention to the nuances:

  • if the bangs are not below the eyebrow line, it is advisable to leave it straight, playing in contrast;
  • elongated strands framing the cheekbones curl similar to the bulkhair.

Beach curls with design elements

With hairpins

Invisibility, hairpins, clips, combs help to style the hair beautifully with beach curls:

  • hairpins with large beads, pearls, rhinestones complement semi-assembled and collected hairstyles;
  • clips decorated with stones, sequins, classic invisible curls lightly grab the curls on the sides, revealing the face;
  • Make an asymmetrical wavy styling or embellish an elegant bun with eye-catching combs;
  • Hairpins with bows and flowers are suitable for special occasions.

With rim

A hairstyle based on beach curls is harmonious and sophisticated if graceful headbands are chosen as a decor. They comfortably lift the hair, open the face, without disturbing the volume and beauty of the waves.

With braided elements

Beach curls with weaving look feminine and romantic. Braids can be woven in any way:

  • forming a thin rim along the forehead;
  • creating a french falls style hairstyle
  • collecting curls in a fishtail with partially falling loose curls;
  • styling in the Greek style;
  • braiding symmetrical fine braids at the sides, spreading them between the hair.

Beach curls hairstyles come in many different varieties. View photos in our gallery and choose the best styling option for a specific look and situation.

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