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Diadem Kindergarten Prom Hairstyle

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Hairstyles for prom in kindergarten: how to decorate hair of different lengths with a tiara

Hairstyles for prom in kindergarten with a tiara can be created on curls of any length, without coming up with a complex styling. An elegant miniature crown can visually transform the appearance of a young princess, solving the problem of naughty strands constantly falling on her face (especially with curly hair), allowing a little girl to feel much more mature.

Due to the restlessness of the kids, the need to change outfits during a festive event, when creating an elegant adult styling, several points are taken into account:

  • most of these hairstyles are done using fixatives;
  • styling should be beautiful, but at the same time laconic, not overloading the child's image. In priority hairstyles based on loose curls, braids, bunches;
  • so that the hairstyle does not cause discomfort, they carefully choose additional accessories, giving preference to soft elastic bands, invisible hairpins and hairpins without sharp ends.

For short hair

Even with a small length of strands, you can make a beautiful spectacular hairstyle at the prom in kindergarten, decorating the styling with an elegant tiara. Stylists advise you to pay attention to the following methods of styling your hair.

Curled hair, complemented by a tiara hoop. You can make curls without resorting to a curling iron, heat rollers, which injure the structure of the curls. Shreds of cotton fabric are ideal, on which moistened hair is spirally wound before going to bed, and in the morning getting elastic luxurious curls. Hairstyles with slightly tousled protruding strands look original.

When the hair is ultra-short, you can go the other way - use a comb-tiara, fixing it in the center of the hair.

For long and medium curls

If a tiara is chosen as the main decor for a prom hairstyle for medium or long curls, children's prom hairstyles are offered in a huge number of options, including both free-flowing strands and complex styling borrowed from adults.

Greek style

A simple yet solemn look is created in the following order.

  1. Well-washed and dried hair is combed, dividing into two parts with a vertical or zigzag centerparting.
  2. Greek styling is done using elastic bands, hairpins, elastic fabric headband to match the hair, so that the additional accessory does not contrast with the tiara.
  3. A couple of curled locks are straightened at the temples, giving an already attractive childish look even more cuteness.

With loose strands

This version of a hairstyle with a tiara for graduation in kindergarten is done by forming large or medium curls in advance with the help of hairdressing accessories. Styling is done with or without bangs.

Curls and braids

Beautifully braided elegant braids are in themselves a decoration of the hairstyle, and in combination with the tiara, they provide a “double hit”, turning little girls into sophisticated stylish ladies. The main advantage of using braiding is to guarantee the appearance of the hairstyle, even with increased activity during prom.

Weaving in combination with loose curled hair looks sophisticated and elegant at the celebration of the graduation in kindergarten. Strands can be collected from the face, forming a pigtail from them at the back of the head, or weave two symmetrical spikelets in the center, combined into one free braid. Curls that are not included in the weaving must be wrapped, creating large waves.

A popular original way to create a hairstyle with a tiara and braiding is a braid-waterfall. Hair is braided in a transverse braid at the back of the head (usually covering the entire area from ear to ear), alternately releasing small strands during braiding to create the effect of a flowing waterfall.

Tall hairstyles with tiara

There are also many options in this category of styling for the prom in kindergarten, which greatly complicates the decision. One of the popular examples available for implementation even at home is a high bunch. It can be made from straight hair, collecting it in a ponytail and fixing it in a circle with hairpins, or pre-braid the strands in a braid, which is then wrapped several times at the base, hiding the ponytails that appear under the hairdo. It is advisable to fix the strands well with hairpins.

Such styling can be either absolutely smooth, strict in accordance with the priorities of the classics, and voluminous, characterizing the fashionable tendency of negligence.

A high bun looks interesting in combination with loose curlscurls and a tiara that completes the image, giving a truly regal look.

Complex braids

This is a combination of several weaves in one hairstyle. A voluminous and beautiful styling is obtained if the curls are pre-curled. When the curls are formed, you can move on to creating the main masterpiece, dividing the entire mass of hair into two parts. Braids can be braided vertically or horizontally, separately braiding the back strands and curls that make up the top of the hairstyle.

The result of the efforts is beautifully lying under each other braids, complementing the evening look appropriate for the prom due to their decoration with a tiara. To prevent the small crown from falling out of the hairstyle, its side parts are fixed inside the upper braid, if necessary, using small clamps-crabs or invisible clips.

Trendy garden prom hairstyles with a tiara

All of the above options refer to trendy styling with a tiara. The tendencies of naturalness and light negligence correspond to voluminous free buns with a shining decor, free hairstyles from curls flowing in waves.

No less popular are the classic high styling with fully gathered hair, smoothly styled into a bun. To create them, you will need a special accessory - a foam roller, around which the strands are attached. Its purpose is to create the missing volume without combing thin children's curls. The tiara is attached to the crown, framing the styling contour. In the final version, the hairstyle looks extremely advantageous, especially if a fluffy dress is chosen for a festive look.

If there is a desire to emphasize the tenderness of a child's appearance, you can make a high bun using curled curls as a base. Installation is characterized by an increased level of complexity and requires the professionalism of the master.

Any hairstyle with an elegant, almost weightless, diadem on children's hair looks solemn and beautiful. The main thing is to choose the right decorative styling element so that the tiara fits snugly to the head, is not too massive, defiantly clumsy. In this situation, balance is important, because celebrating graduation in kindergarten is the very first steps of little ladies into future adult life.

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