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Tomboy Haircut

Asymmetrical Tomboy Cut for women

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It's safe to assume that the tomboy haircut has been around for several decades. It was noticed that it was originally multivariate: from the boyish hairstyles of the 20s to the mallet and mohawk from the 80s.

In the past, tomboy and boy-style haircuts were models in which the ears were exposed and the neck was exposed. To try the trendy tomboy haircut, you need to look at the shape of the haircuts in the early 80s. Then the trend was liked by the new diagonal cuts. The haircut has become popular among eccentric and daring, self-confident girls-"boys".

The modern interpretation of the tomboy haircut also has many variations, often complemented by elements in the form of oblique or torn bangs. By adding a few tweaks, including coloring and shaving specific areas, Tomboi adds a touch of modernism and uniqueness.

The tomboy haircut is presented in an extensive collection on the website. We provide an opportunity to find a master in your city and make an appointment. The photo gallery contains the best tomboy-style haircuts, which professional masters from all over the world offer to be inspired to find a new look.

The peculiarity of the tomboy haircut

The haircut is characterized by clear cuts - in the area of ​​the temples and on the back of the head. The style of the haircut will be recognizable due to the careless arrangement of the strands and, as a rule, the elongated oblique bangs. The haircut has no restrictions on the thickness and structure of the hair.

What are the most popular tomboy haircuts?

  • Asymmetric. There is an external resemblance to a short bob, the haircut has diagonal cut lines. It is characterized by a long bangs and a central zone, and the temporal and occipital regions are as short as possible. A similar style of haircut is suitable for owners of a square, rectangular face. Asymmetry will correct the angularity of forms, hide minor imperfections in appearance.
  • Side parting. Long strands on one side of the head are a very popular option. It adds versatility to the final look. Add colored strands for a modern and stylish look.
  • Big waves. Short or cropped hair with a wavy texture will look amazing with regular use of styling gel, combs and oil.
  • The classic tomboy haircut is complemented by straight bangs,which coincides with the hairline on the parietal zone. The back of the head and temporal region are shaved or cut very short.
  • Wavy light negligence. Tangled and tousled curls at the crown of the head, the temples are cropped short. This type of haircut helps to add volume without long styling. The style is edgy and bold, perfect for festive occasions. So be prepared to grab the attention of those around you.
  • Iroquois. Young people are not the only ones able to enjoy mohawk styling. Girls, too, can flaunt it with the same ease and grace. Ask your stylist to trim each side of your head evenly, leaving a thick strand in the middle and tapering it closer to the crown. Feel the verge of provocation, challenge the majority with your eccentricity!

Benefits of a tomboy haircut:

  • easy and quick installation;
  • visually rejuvenates the appearance;
  • matches both classic and casual styles;
  • quick change in case of image change;
  • looks consistent with different shades of hair, as well as with bright coloring;
  • blends in with accessories and embellishments.

Disadvantages of the model:

  • for a neat and fresh look, style your hair daily with a light mousse or foam;
  • not suitable for those with a round face.


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