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German Haircut

Parted Hitler-Youth for men

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The Hitler Youth men's haircut is increasingly adorning the heads of modern youth. The characteristic features of the haircut are elongated hair on the crown zone, smoothly combed back, as well as shortened or shaved temples. Hair stylists keep repeating that the Hitler Youth haircut looks great on any face type and suits almost every man.

After World War II, shaved whiskey on men's heads lost their appeal. In the end, no one wanted to try on Hitler's image. However, in the 80s of the 20th century, the Hitler Youth haircut style was revived by young people of various subcultures. And it is still one of the most dapper hairstyles for men.

There are many fashionable and modern interpretations of haircuts, among which you can definitely pick up a great and stylish option.

  • For guys with wavy hair, you can style your Hitler Youth haircut like this: comb the bangs to one side, and comb the long hair on the top of the head smoothly back.
  • Smooth Hitler Youth haircut with parting. A clear parting is made, while the hair naturally lies in the opposite direction. This haircut with short hair at the temples is perfect for a clean-shaven face.
  • In combination with a long and thick beard, a Hitler Youth haircut will beautifully emphasize the oval of the face, give the image of masculinity and brutality.
  • Today's versions of haircuts are not particularly different from those worn 80 years ago. So, modern men prefer longer strands in the crown zone, some decorate their shaved whiskey with patterns.

A Hitler Youth haircut is considered male, but girls can also do it. The difference will be visible only in the length of the hair at the crown: women prefer to keep them longer.






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