is the best advisor for choosing a future tattoo. We have compiled an extensive collection of wolf shoulder tattoos done in a variety of styles and techniques by professional tattoo artists. You can get a tattoo on the shoulder with a wolf using our website. In the search filter on, choose a master from your city and sign up for a consultation.
With a wolf tattoo on the shoulder, as a rule, a person wants to display:
- trick;
- force;
- courage;
- longevity;
- ability to come to the rescue;
- loyalty;
- in rare cases - cruelty.
The tattoo artist has a huge number of wolf sketches:
- with and without a grin,
- with emphasis on wolf eyes,
- with a bloody mouth of an animal,
- a wolf against the background of a full moon,
- in the form of a werewolf, demon,
- a she-wolf among forest trees.
Men often choose the shoulder as a place for a tattoo, thereby showing fearlessness, strength, fury and respect for this wild beast. Wolf paws and a pattern with wolf footprints - this tattoo is more popular with women and means care and protection.