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Triangle Tattoos

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The meaning of the triangle tattoo

Among the common interpretations of the picture - the trinity of concepts:

  • past, present, future life;
  • thoughts, feelings, perception;
  • motherhood, fatherhood, children;
  • erection, preservation, destruction
  • strength, openness, wisdom.

Religious people attach an appropriate meaning to their underwear - they place an image of an eye in the center of the figure, indicating the presence of God.

The meaning of the tattoo can be interpreted by the direction of the figure. The top "looks" upward - the tattoo symbolizes the sun, striving for the goal, fatherhood, courage. The inverted sign means passive acceptance, motherhood, moon.

Popular triangle tattoos

A triangle tattoo is rarely done in isolation. Artists often suggest drawing a figure in combination with other images. Also, this sign is applied as paired tattoos.

Flowers in a triangle

Popular rose tattoo is a drawing with romantic meaning. Tattooing is done by creative personalities - philosophers, writers, musicians. The flower demonstrates love for beauty, symbolizes the harmony of nature and the human soul.

On the rib, back, wrist, the image is complemented with peonies, daisies, lilies. Tattoo means light, beauty, creativity. Less commonly, the image is applied to the leg.

Triangle with a circle

Three edges, framed by a circle, indicate the union of three principles. The nature of the beginnings is determined by the owner's religious, ideological position.

A circle inscribed on three faces is usually drawn along with a vertical line. This meaning of the body pattern is often associated with Harry Potter, or rather a set of Horcruxes. The Magic Cloak is the main fragment, the Philosopher's Stone is the circle, and the Elder Wand is the line.

Multiple triangles

Place shapes in any way:

  • intersection of signs - two elements: water and fire as the victory of the soul over the body;
  • the figures standing next to each other - the unity of feminine and masculine nature;
  • signs connected by vertices are a continuous flow of time.
  • three figures reinforce the classic meaning of the tattoo - the trinity, the powerfulinviolability.

Black triangle

A fully filled character has a number of meanings depending on the orientation:

  • correct position - masculine strength, courage, stability, active life position;
  • inverted position - feminine, acceptance, fragility, wisdom.
  • A dark figure can act as an element of composition, a pair of tattoos.

Paired triangle tattoo

Paired images are made to create a strong spiritual connection between people. Most often they are lovers, but there may be friends, relatives. Elements of different directions (regular and inverted triangles) indicate that partners are supporting each other.

Popular Styles


The most obvious solution for a triangle tattoo. Sharp broken lines are optimal for drawing geometric shapes.


The drawing is filled with black - bright, noticeable works are obtained. This technique is suitable for covering or correcting an old tattoo.


As a rule, it is a triangle outline without additional elements. Often applied to the wrist, brush.


The element is filled with details - images of animals, plants, parts of the human body. The color of the triangle tattoo can be any color.

For guys

Men's tattoo with a triangle is given the following meanings:

  • strength of body and mind;
  • mind;
  • freedom from clichés;
  • power;
  • protection from blows of fate.

For girls

Women's tattoos in the shape of a triangle often mean:

  • being at one with oneself;
  • wisdom;
  • ability to mother;
  • innocence;
  • personification of life stages (youth, motherhood, old age).

If you have not yet decided which triangle tattoo to choose, take a look at the works of the masters on our website. Real photos and sketches will help you choose the right option.

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